Wowzers uses scientific insights into how students learn.Wowzers Embraces the Universal Design for Learning
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework used to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people. It addresses the why, what, and how of learning.

The Why of Learning
“The why of learning calls for engagement.”
Wowzers engages students through story-driven online learning with animated characters, cognitive and skill-based video games related to math content, and problem-solving in a massive virtual world. It includes a reward system that keeps students attentive and driven to learn.

The What of Learning
“The what of learning calls for representation of information to be presented in different ways.”
Math content in Wowzers is presented through numerous representations. For example, multiplication is shown as an array, as an area, as skip-counting on a number line, in a word problem, as an inverse equation, and as math facts to memorize through gameplay.
The What of Learning
“The what of learning calls for representation of information to be presented in different ways.”
Math content in Wowzers is presented through numerous representations. For example, multiplication is shown as an array, as an area, as skip-counting on a number line, in a word problem, as an inverse equation, and as math facts to memorize through gameplay.

The How of Learning
“The how of learning calls for action and expression differentiating the ways that students can express what they know.”
Throughout Wowzers, students have numerous ways of expressing what they know through adaptive learning lessons, extended response questions, and performance tasks that call for creative problem solving and group discussion.

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