Every question is mapped to both state and Common Core math standards. Student progress toward standard mastery is reported online in real time.
The Wowzers online math curriculum adapts to each individual, creating a customized curriculum that focuses on what the student has yet to learn.
Blended Learning
Offline and online math activities are combined to create a complete curriculum that uses technology and hands-on learning.
Formal and informal online math assessments provide trackable progress and prepare students for Next Generation assessments.
Online math concepts in Wowzers are given context and presented through a story that answers the question of: “Why do I have to learn this?”
Wowzers uses a “whole child” approach to online learning that is grounded in brain-based research.
“Wowzers is the first program that my kids cheer for. When it's a Wowzers Day in class, it's a good day!"
“Wowzers stays with you until you actually learn it very well, then it will let you move on.”
Wowzers students report a 26% increase over average in their yearly growth scores for math!
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